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Harry was ‘Cut Off’ in His 30s: At What Age is it OK to Stop Financially Supporting Your Child?
March 10, 2021
Is financial freedom a fairy tale for millennials? And should adult children receive financial support from parents throughout their lives?
By Madeleine Howell 10 March 2021
One of the most interesting moments of this week’s interview with Oprah came when Prince Harry declared that he had been “literally cut off financially” by his family.
For many watching, this might seem an extraordinary thing for a 36-year-old man to say out loud. After all, a lot of people don’t receive financial support from their parents once their pocket money days are over and go on to lead fully independent lives from a much younger age. …
… So, for how long should parents be expected to support their children? “Ultimately, there are no right or wrong answer – all families, all children and all situations are different,” points out Vicki Wusche, author of The Wealthy Retirement Plan. “The key is financial education. Any young person, whether aged 10, 18 or 30, needs to understand how money works, so the parent is not simply supplying money that is frittered away.
“But it’s also crucial to consider whether the young person is empowered or disempowered by their parents, and how it affects them emotionally. It would seem from the language that Prince Harry uses that he feels rejected. Parents have a responsibility to teach their children about money. I’ve taught my daughters to use separate spreadsheets to budget for travel, and for buying a home. We also have a 30-year-old we funded to the tune of over £120,000 to study medicine, but we’ve made it clear that this is a loan,” she explains.
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One of the most interesting moments of this week’s interview with Oprah came when Prince Harry declared that he had been “literally cut off financially” by his family.
For many watching, this might seem an extraordinary thing for a 36-year-old man to say out loud. After all, a lot of people don’t receive financial support from their parents once their pocket money days are over and go on to lead fully independent lives from a much younger age.
Others may wonder why Harry is still in need of financial assistance at all. He was reportedly left £6.5 million when his mother, Diana Princess of Wales, died, and that money would have been invested and accumulated substantial interest over the years. Harry is said to have inherited a sum of around £10 million on his 30th birthday.
Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, also reportedly left William and Harry £14 million to split between them when she died. Meanwhile, Meghan Markle reportedly ended her first marriage with £5 million in earnings from her acting career. Over the past year, the couple have also secured widely publicised multi-million-pound deals with Netflix and Spotify.
Of course, many people in Britain either live off inherited wealth or receive ongoing financial support from their parents throughout their lives. But for those who don’t have that luxury, a 36-year-old prince bemoaning his lot might appear to be rather detached from reality, especially as a global recession looms.
In 2021, the average 20-something or 30-something whose parents are unable or unwilling to provide financial support will know that wages don’t always cover the cost of living and saving for a future. A sky-high rental market and the difficulty of getting on the property ladder can leave young, hard-working people living a precarious month-to-month existence.
So, what are the politics of financially supporting your adult children? Should parents be expecting and encouraging financial independence, or is that simply not feasible when their children are struggling to get on the housing ladder, salaries are stagnating, and the jobs market is increasingly uncertain?
There’s a lot that parents need to know about money management for children in their 20s and 30s, says Nicholas Agwuncha, founder of Money Medics, an advisory service for millennial money management.
“The cost of raising a child in the UK is one thing. UK families spend one-third of their income of childcare,” he says. “According to the Money Advice Service, the average cost of a child is £74,333 for a couple and £102,620 for a lone-parent family (0-18yrs).
“If you throw childcare into the mix then these costs rise to £155,582 and £187,036. However, parents should be aware that your child turning 18 isn’t the financial finish line, due to the cost of living in the UK.”
So, for how long should parents be expected to support their children? “Ultimately, there are no right or wrong answer – all families, all children and all situations are different,” points out Vicki Wusche, author of The Wealthy Retirement Plan. “The key is financial education. Any young person, whether aged 10, 18 or 30, needs to understand how money works, so the parent is not simply supplying money that is frittered away.
“But it’s also crucial to consider whether the young person is empowered or disempowered by their parents, and how it affects them emotionally. It would seem from the language that Prince Harry uses that he feels rejected. Parents have a responsibility to teach their children about money. I’ve taught my daughters to use separate spreadsheets to budget for travel, and for buying a home. We also have a 30-year-old we funded to the tune of over £120,000 to study medicine, but we’ve made it clear that this is a loan,” she explains.
“Some people in Britain choose to stop supporting their child financially at the age of 18 and think ‘job done’,” says the anonymous author The Seven Dollar Millionaire, author of Happy Ever After: Financial Freedom Isn’t A Fairy Tale (published in the UK on March 15). “For the ‘sandwich generation’, who need to care for elderly parents, as well as worry about their children and their own savings, this is understandable.
“But with the world becoming more competitive, there’s a risk that not supporting your children beyond 18 will disadvantage them and put them behind their peer group. They might be unable afford to do unpaid internships, preventing them from getting a head-start in their chosen career, or feel they can’t afford to invest in further education.”
Other parents who are able to, of course, choose to continue support their child financially. We’ve all heard anecdotes of ongoing parental support for young people, whether parents are paying university fees or providing income top-ups. Increasing numbers of “boomerang” millennials have chosen to move back to their parent’s homes during the pandemic, as a way of saving money.
“There is a worry that this move back home is unnatural, and can stunt independence,” says The Seven Dollar Millionaire. “But living in the family home is not so unnatural. It was normal, not so long ago, for people to live at home with their parents. The idea of moving out of your parents’ house immediately is perhaps only two to three generations old. In today’s difficult economy, a supportive safety net brings huge advantages. Adult kids who get that help might be taking three or four steps ahead of their peer group in their life journey.”
So, how difficult is it, really, to live a fully independent, self-sufficient life as a young person in Britain today?
“Very difficult,” asserts The Seven Dollar Millionaire. “Incomes have not kept pace with housing, the most obvious cost of independence. Property is a very real issue, and for many young people, it must feel hopeless. I remember it feeling hopeless 30 years ago, and it has definitely got worse.”
It’s important to note at this point that neither did the generation before them face such vast student debts (between 1962 and the 1990s, higher education in Britain was effectively free, as the state paid students’ tuition fees and offered maintenance grants to many).
“Particularly at starting salary level, young people can really over-stretch themselves to become independent, taking on debt when not necessary, not paying off debt as soon as possible, or building it up further at a time when they should be saving,” warns The Seven Dollar Millionaire. “This debt can then compound throughout their life, making financial independence even harder to achieve.”
Worryingly, this trend may be accelerating a significant wealth gap in society between those who live off inherited or family wealth, and those who fend for themselves.
“The divide is widening,” The Seven Dollar Millionaire adds. “With more people attending university than 30 years ago, young people face intense competition post-university. They could require a post-graduate degree, to give them a competitive edge, and the time, money and resources to seek out and qualify for a good job.
“If you want your kids to get ahead, you might need to help them make contacts for internships, support their travel expenses, or offer them the safety net of coming home if necessary.
“In some cases, wages can cover the cost of living for a 20-something or a 30-something, but it can be precarious. Another problem is ‘perceived standard of living’. The constant marketing push to spend in order to reflect your achievements or status to the rest of society can make the cost of living feel even more unaffordable.
“This is made harder by the fact that previous generations appear to have had incredibly comfortable lives, which younger people feel it should be normal to replicate. The pressure to spend, plus higher costs of living versus income, makes saving for the future feel harder.”
It’s perhaps no surprise that the “FIRE” movement (financially independent, retire early) is increasingly popular among young people, who are realising how seriously they need to take their finances to achieve independence. It’s also for this reason that they often look at the so-called “baby boomers” who came before them with envy and disdain.
So, what other solutions are available to parents who want their families to live lives which are as financially independent and secure as possible?
“Parents should be encouraging financial responsibility, rather than independence,” says The Seven Dollar Millionaire. “I wrote ‘Happy Ever After: Financial Freedom Isn’t A Fairy tale’ for my daughter when she was 17. I saw that no one else was going to teach her how to become financially independent, and that it was becoming harder to achieve.
“My goal was that she would learn how vital it is to save money as early as possible, and build lifestyle choices around that, rather than saving if she can afford it once she has picked her lifestyle. Parents can’t expect their kids to know how to achieve financial independence if they haven’t tried to teach it. If we wait for our kids to discover it themselves, they may discover it when it is too late.”
Ultimately, even if their ideals dictate that adult children should support themselves, parents might do well to consider giving their children an allowance or a leg up the property ladder, if they can afford to, suggests the Seven Dollar Millionaire, but not without a lot of open discussion.
“What would make most sense would be to fund a saving plan, rather than encouraging more spending, or to help to fund a deposit on a small first property,” he suggests.
But what about the specifics: how much financial support might an adult child need to see them through university? And what kind of financial support might an adult child need in their twenties as they navigate the first steps of their careers, whether they are renting or attempting to get onto the first rung of the property ladder?
“This is entirely dependent on circumstance,” caveats The Seven Dollar Millionaire. “Through university, I paid my children’s rent and gave them £10 a day for food and other costs. It was generally enough. As a parent, you need to gauge your own child’s behaviour.
“I can see that my children are starting to save and invest, so I know that any support I’m giving them isn’t simply funding a frivolous lifestyle and being flushed away. If it’s helping to secure their future, I’m happy. I’m able to do that because we’ve already had long discussions about the importance of saving and investing.”
But gauging what it is reasonable, and what it is unreasonable for an adult child to expect in 2021, is undeniably difficult territory. “Expectations are where problems creep in. If, as parents, we “expect” our kids to live like we did and they don’t, then it can cause tension,” explains The Seven Dollar Millionaire.
“Equally, if adult children “expect” the same from their parents as they see their peers getting, it won’t help. If parents are struggling themselves, and many are, it would be unkind of adult children to expect continued support. This can put a strain on a relationship, as can overly aggressive expectations of independence from a parent.”
Schemes such as Help to Buy and the new 95 per cent mortgages can help young people to be financially self-sufficient, but they come with pitfalls. “95% mortgages can cause problems when an economy has even a very small dip. The problem with all of these concepts is not the concept themselves, but that we aren’t teaching children the stages of finance before this.
“We are giving them tools, but not the foundations of personal finance so they know how to use them,” The Seven Dollar Millionaire explains.
Unfortunately, many parents and children are embarrassed about discussing their financial needs and situations. Many children would rather not rely on their parents financially. “They don’t like to talk about it,” explains The Seven Dollar Millionaire.
“A lack of openness about money is a huge issue between parents and children, at developmental stages and later. Only talking to your kids about money when telling them they can’t have any more will likely attach negative emotions to the subject matter, which won’t help.
“Talk to them about all aspects of money, good and bad. Talk about your savings, investments, how they’re doing, how you plan your spending, and so on. Openness will enable better conversations.”
Happy Ever After: Financial Freedom Isn’t A Fairy Tale by The Seven Dollar Millionaire, launches in the UK on March 15 (£15, Wiley)